Top NYC Neuroscientist:
Do This 8-Second Ear Trick
For Better Memory..
“17,789 Americans have cleared away the brain fog, using this safe, science-backed 8-second daily ritual, including my parents and in-laws.”
- Dr. James Rivers,
MIT-Trained Neuroscientist
Scientific References and Spiritual� Studies:
YOUR MEMORIES are formed right� here.
It’s called your Hippocampus.
But if we know where they're formed, why do you have "senior moments"?
The root of a sluggish brain may come down to an odd invader..
It’s microscopic.
MIT studied it.
But you’d never know you had it because unlike other invaders..
A Tiny Invader..
Scientifically Verified By 5 Studies..
That Targets Brain� Cells..
It attacks brain cells.
We’ve missed the boat on cognitive decline..
But neuroscience is changing that now..
All it takes is an 8-second ritual at-home.
It uses your ears.
Thousands of aging Americans are now doing this ear ritual every morning..
There’s no pills or exercises.
The simple ritual uses your ear lobe.
So we’re going to do it now, because it’s not like this on Google, YouTube or any books on Amazon.
A 8-Second Ear Ritual.. Scientifically
(do this from home!)
My name is Dr. James Rivers.
The breakthrough came to light when a
colleague handed me a stunning report from� MIT.And stay with me - this gets good.
How Your Memory
Actually Works..
How does your memory work?
You can think of your brain cells as tiny storage units.
And memory is information stashed inside your brain� cells.
Now the truth is, these brain cells die for everyone.
When we look at a healthy adult, they lose
50,000 brain cells a� day…This is okay, because you have 86� billion of them! But there’s a� catch:
Stanford Neuroscientist:
What Happens To Your
Brain Cells After� 50Read This!
The area of your brain responsible for memory formation, called your hippocampus, is extra-small and fragile. How� small?
Imagine you’re walking on a sandy beach that stretches for a mile. You bend down and pick up a few grains of sand. Those few grains of sand represent the entire area of your brain responsible for memory!
Now if you’ve over� 50 and you forget a name, or you misplace your keys or you just feel foggy, you can bet your brain cells, your storage units, are dying off faster than they should be, causing your brain to start� shrinking.
As a scientist with training from both MIT and Stanford, I had to know why?
The truth will surprise you..
The Surprising “Root� Cause” Of Brain Fog..
Scientists have discovered a sub-group of tiny invaders in the brain that “clog up” healthy functioning while attacking the brain cells, including where your memories are stored..
It’s like an infestation, let me show you..
Normally when a brain cell dies, your brain's neural guardians quickly arrive, using enzymes to clear away the "toxic� waste"...
This Brain Clearance process is critical for clearing away dead brain cells because the damage can be devastating if the waste gets "clogged" in� there…
You can think of it like a highly-trained janitorial crew. They respond right away. They take out the trash. They even recycle, all to keep your brain running like a well-oiled machine!
When this process is working correctly, you feel sharp and focused no matter your age. You learn faster. Your memory is a vault - nothing important is lost or forgotten.
After 50, Healthy Brain� ClearanceSLOWS Down..
But after 50, our defenses weaken and Brain Clearance slows, allowing the toxic "waste" to “clump up” and stay there..
It’s like your janitorial crew gets tired and forgetful, allowing these brain-rotting toxins to pile up and spread. It’s not a medical term at all but I like to think of it as “brain clog”..
As a neuroscientist, I had to know is this “brain clog” just a result of normal aging?
It’s a good question because when we look at Warren� Buffet, we see a 93 year old who’s sharp as a whip with 400,000 employees..
Or Clint Eastwood who’s 94 years old and still starring in movies!
Harvard’s team is studying this now too..
It turns out a key factor involves Senescent Cells, also known as “Zombie Cells” You may have seen these “Zombie Cells” when they were featured on the cover of National Geographic..
They’re called “Zombie Cells” because these bad guys are similar to something out of a horror movie..
What Happens To Your� Brain "Brain� Waste" Gets Backed Up..
When“Zombie Cells” are damaged cells that refuse to die. Instead, they attack nearby healthy cells and turn them against you. This can interfere with your brain’s neural pathways and affect your thinking.
Worse, these toxic invaders know how to multiply. They can snowball into a “Zombie Army” that compromises brain cells like Pac-Man. In other words, your sluggish brain can be like a cruise ship for these “Zombie Cells”.
New Neuroscience:
"Zombie Cells" Are Damaged� Cells
That Refuse To� Die..
The Root Of
Our Problems!
Do you ever feel like you don’t have the same mental energy you used to? Or that your brain power isn’t quite what it was?
It’s not just aging..
These “Zombie Cells” and other sticky "brain waste" can be a real factor linked to brain fog and fuzzy thinking
A "Clogged Brain" Can Lead
To Brain� Fog, Fuzzy Thinking And "Senior Moments"..Your Brain Is
SO Valuable!
And remember that your brain governs every single one of the millions of processes taking place inside of you every minute: From your heartbeat to digestion to your immune system, your brain is the command center for every critical part of your life.
But if toxic compounds are interfering with cognition, everything can become riskier, from your heart, your liver, your digestion, your vision, your hearing, your lymph nodes, even your mood and energy levels.
Studies now suggest that “Zombie Cells” may be linked to heart disease, stroke, gum disease, vision problems, brittle bones and more.
“Zombie Cells” are so harmful that researchers found clearing them out for mice made the mice live 25% longer!
The Tiny Invaders Eating Away
At Sharp Thinking..I want every American to know: If you’re over 50, I urge you to start doing something about this today.
And I have good news. There is something you can do starting today.
Here Are The
4 Science-Backed Ways
To Start Clearing Up A "Clogged� Brain"..
Here are the 4 ways we know for a fact can help, and #4 is my best recommendation.
1. Starvation. (Or "fasting").
You could go on a 30-day fast and starve the invaders. But I know no one wants to do that. Plus they come right back once you start eating again.
2. Senolytics.
Senolyitcs cost around $2500 per year out of pocket. And they’re a mixed bag treatment for clearing away "Zombie Cells" - some might have an effect while others don’t, so you’re never really� sure.
3. Supplements.
The big problem with supplements is the blood-brain barrier. This barrier is a lockeddoor that stops nearly 99% of all treatments from reaching the brain. Scientists have been trying to find their way around the barrier for decades and until recently, they were stumped.
4. You can use a special soundwave.
This is the best way by far and I have the ideal soundwave for you..
But let me tell you why because I know how strange that sounds…
Neuroscience Meets The Memory� Wave…
When my colleagues and I began researching a solution, I had 3 requirements: It had to be simple, easy and something that you could do at-home..
There were a few options out there but when we tested them in the lab, the results were disappointing, so we dove in head first…
For a while, the work was so daunting I almost felt like giving up - 35,000 new studies are published on the brain every year - but I also knew the only person working day and night on this was me.
The breakthrough came when my lead researcher suggested soundwaves.
I’ll admit, I was skeptical.
But when he showed me how MIT’s Brain Aging Initiative had started pooling their money towards soundwaves to supercharge your brain’s waste removal system, the light bulb went on for me..
MIT Scientists Solve
The Soundwave Mystery…
What these scientists found will change the way we think about cognitive decline forever..
They found that Brain Clearance - the� critical process for clearing up a "clogged� brain" - is activated by a brainwave called� Gamma..
Right now, you have Gamma sitting inside your brain - we all do..
But this tiny Gamma brain wave is dormant for almost everyone,
including you and� I..But if we could somehow activate your Gamma, it would immediately begin clearing away “brain waste”..
The KEY Is To Activate
The Gamma Brain Wave..
And I have good news: It turns out that we can because certain sound waves activate brain waves..
Because sound waves activate brain waves, the key is this unique sound wave that activates your Gamma..
Plus because sound waves are so safe and precise, it starts working the very first time you hear� it...
But it gets better: Neuroscientists have been studying Gamma for decades because Gamma is linked to more brain power.People with more Gamma tend to have higher IQ’s. They’re often happier with better concentration. They learn faster.
Researchers even found that Zen monks who spent 40� years meditating showed remarkable� Gamma - which is why people who� activate their Gamma find it so much easier to concentrate.
The Memory Wave
The Gamma Wave is so transformative that in the lab, my colleagues and I refer to it as The� Memory� Wave..
So when these researchers found that activating that same “Memory Wave” is the key to start clearing away “brain waste”, I was delighted..
You’re going to support a better memory by enjoying the benefits of boosted brain power..
But for most of us, our modern way of life has suppressed the Gamma Brain Wave sitting inside of us, rendering it mostly DEACTIVATED, which is why brain fog and fuzzing thinking keeps mounting as you age..
All you need to do is activate your Gamma.
Finally, The Proven Brain Wave
For A Better Memory, AT� ANY� AGE…And our soundwave used Brain Entrainment which works by guiding the brain into� Gamma..
In Just
12 Minutes!
But there’s a problem..
Brain entrainment normally takes
one hour PER session..
But after many late nights and coffee runs at
the lab, we were able to turn it into a 12-minute soundwave..
We called this 12-minute soundwave the Memory Wave, and turned it into a Digital Audio Track anyone could listen to right� now..
So far, it’s helped Americans everywhere improve their memory by enjoying the Gamma brain power that can make your golden years the best years of your� life…
The Memory Wave soundwave is developed by neuroscientists that uses advanced brain entrainment to activate Gamma and the brain power for a better memory..
It’s simple, easy and you can do it at-home:
Just pop on a pair of headphones and relax for an easy 12 minutes listening to the calming soundwave..
Beneath your awareness, the advanced brain entrainment will begin activating your Gamma and the healthy Brain Clearance for sharper thinking and a better memory..
It begins working the very first time you listen to it.
You can do it from the privacy of your own home.
There’s no supplements or brain exercises.
You’re not meditating, repeating a mantra or writing anything down.
You just listen to the soundwave for 12� minutes everyday as it synchronizes with your brain waves and activates your Gamma..
The result is an activated Memory Wave, reconnecting you with the brain power that’s currently dormant in you..
Americans Over 50:
Join The Men And Women Now
Enjoying A Better Memory Since Activating Their Memory Wave..
Many customers report the Memory Wave feels like someone pressed the reset button on their brain. You’ll notice sharp, clear thinking, like you’re in control again.
As you listen more each day, things get healthier and new abilities begin to unlock. In conversation, the words and details are there for you as you need them. You’re quickly able to grasp what you’re reading, learning, or watching, even when it takes others much longer to get it.
And did you know the deepest learning happens in Gamma? So you’ll find it easier to remember key ideas or learn a new skill, like a new language or even a new money-making skill. One customer just wrote how much easier she’s finding it to recite verses in bible study now.
Best of all, activating Gamma means healthy brain function is back. You’re claiming your independence, and your mind’s at ease, knowing you're protecting your powers of recall.
Give it a few weeks and you might even find you feel sharper than people decades� younger.
Since its release, the Memory Wave has helped thousands of people around the world experience a transformation in their� life...
Here’s 21 More Benefits
Memory Wave Customers Report That Transform Your Health, Finances And Relationships..The Memory Wave isn’t a pill, and is much more affordable than pricey, unproven supplements.
And because healthy Brain Clearance is activated from the very first listen, it’s not uncommon to feel like you have a better memory AND more brain power for life, learning and fun.
It’s time for you to experience life with the healthier brain that nature had in mind for you, before invaders like “Zombie Cells” and other toxins began piling up.
Imagine waking up each morning refreshed with brain power, as you recall tiny details, key conversations and important� ideas.
Instead of mental fog, you go about your day with clear thinking, your presence an absolute delight at holidays, birthdays, graduations.
No more words getting stuck “on the tip of your tongue”
as the right words are now there for you as you need� them.Your mind is at ease, knowing your protecting your powers of recall, because you are giving your brain the good stuff!
And because Gamma’s linked to genius abilities, you may find great insights just coming to you that can transform your health, your finances, your relationships. Maybe you stun your family by learning a new language or reciting entire verses from memory - and it’s easy!
You’re reconnected with the brain power that’s currently dormant in you, allowing you to enjoy sharper thinking and a better memory at any age.
That’s the life you deserve and you can have it all today when you claim your copy of the Memory� Wave.
“How Much Is It To Activate
My Memory� Wave Today?”By now, you should realize that I take great pride in the work that I do as one of America’s most diligent neuroscientists. My reputation is everything, and I would only ever attach my name to a product if I 100% believe in it.
Bottom line is a lot of time and money goes into this research. However, when you compare the price of the Memory Wave to the expensive, unproven supplements out there which you have to keep paying for month after month, it will seem like a bargain.
And given the transformation that activating your Gamma Wave can have on your life, we could easily offer this at a very high price. Think about it.
$200? $300? $500?
Because aside from the financial cost there’s also significant human cost.
Many of my colleagues have suggested that this product would be an incredible value even at $500.
However, because my main goal with this product was to help as many people as possible, we cut out all middlemen and made it available only through this website. That means you don't need to invest $500 to get your hands on this breakthrough soundwave.
In fact, you don't need to invest $200 or even $100. That's because we are offering the Memory Wave today for just $49. That's more than 40% off our original price. But that's not all.
Because you've made it this far into the presentation, it's obvious you're serious
about keeping your brain healthy and sharp and you are interested in seeing how this one-of-a-kind solution can help you the same way it's helping thousands of others, which is why I want to let you try this cutting-edge soundwave at a special price available only through this video on this page today.And for a limited time only, I’d like to offer you the Memory Wave for just� $39. .
That’s another $10 off
$200 $100
And all I ask in return is that you consider sending us a success story once you experience the benefits that many of our customers are now experiencing.
This Is The Only Place To
Get The Memory Wave..And remember, this deal is not available on Amazon or anywhere else. The only way to get the Memory Wave for this incredible price is right from this� page.
And you should know that I’m not going to limit the amount of time you can keep the Memory Wave either. It’ll be yours forever.
Don’t spend another day dealing with the pain and frustration of fuzzy thinking when the Memory Wave is literally a click� away.
Claim Your Discount And
Click The Button Below Right� Now.
MIT Neuroscientist-Recommended…
The Memory Wave Is GUARANTEED To Work- Or You PAY NOTHING! SEE How Your Sharp Thinking, Brain Power And Life Transform, Then Decide To Keep it Or� Now..
To prove this research-backed soundwave works and make this a 100% no-brainer for you to check out, I'm going to guarantee your order today for a full 90� days.
It's a 100% ironclad money backed guarantee based on your complete satisfaction with your experience.
That means you don't even need to make a decision right now. Just say maybe, and you'll have a full 90 days to test it out for yourself.
Watch as your thinking gets sharper. Watch as you go about your days with clear thinking. Watch as all the facts, details and stories are there for you when you need them. Watch the ease you feel, knowing you're protecting your mind power. See how others praise your remarkable mind and confidence, and ask your secret. Then decide if you want to keep it or not.
Simply Try The Memory� Wave
Risk-FREE For 90� Days
The truth is 90 days is incredibly generous as most people who listen everyday for 12� minutes begin to see results within a couple weeks.
But as a scientist, putting my credibility on the line, it's important to me you feel complete confidence in our product and saying yes to giving this a shot. It doesn't matter how many times you’ve used it, you'll get all your money back if you don't get these results.
I can't feel good keeping your money. I work with the friendliest customer support team who are easy to get ahold of and are on standby to answer any questions you� have.
I urge you to check out today for maximum savings.
All you need to do to claim this incredible discount and take advantage of this risk-free offer is to click the button below and check out to begin activating your Memory� Wave.
There's simply no risk to you. The only risk you could possibly face is the one of pain and regret that you missed out on experiencing this life changing product when you had the chance.
Go ahead and complete your checkout below and experience everything I've talked about 100% risk free right now. So just go ahead and click the button� below.
MIT Neuroscientist-Recommended…
Claim Your Memory� Wave
(Money Back 90-Day Guaranteed)
“Is The Memory Wave Still� Available?”
If the Memory Wave is still available, then the order page will appear and you can enter your information. If not, you'll have a chance to add yourself to our waiting list and we'll let you know if this product becomes available again later.
Remember, you’ll save the most money when you order with today’s discount, and not risk missing� out.
The order form is fully protected using the very latest 256 bid SSL encryption for total privacy and protection. It's the same security that major e-commerce giants like use.
Just enter your order information and your Digital� Audio� Track will be emailed to you in a matter of minutes, depending on how fast you can enter your information on the next page.
And because it’s digital, there’s no shipping fees or waiting for a physical package to be mailed to your� house.
And that’s not all you’ll get when you place your order� today..
JUST Added! Get $197.00 In Free Gifts And Bonuses When You Order Today..
For everyone who orders at the discount price today, I’m giving you 4� free� bonuses that aren’t available anywhere else.
Your 1st FREE Gift:
Get The Best-Selling “1-Minute Memory Saver” FREE!
This 1-minute trick is simple and fun! You use it anytime you learn something new that you want stored permanently in your long-term memory. Do it from home, while waiting in line or anywhere else, and it’s scientifically-proven to lock your new lesson into your memory the very first time you try it.
Your 2nd FREE Gift:
Get The Smart Grocery Shopping Guide FREE!
Second is the Smart Grocery Shopping Guide, including the 10 common American foods that actually trigger brain fog, plus our 5 simple shortcuts to help cut your monthly grocery bill by $100 a month or more immediately, whether you shop at Walmart, Amazon, Costco, Target, Publix, Whole Foods or anywhere else!
Your 3rd FREE Gift:
Get The “Energy� Button”
Your 3rd free bonus for checking out today is a new report called The Energy Button! Customers often say the energy boost they get from the Memory Wave is like getting an extra day a week. So you’ll discover our top tips for what to do with all that extra energy, including 7 at-home hobbies that make you happier, healthier and even sharper plus 5 forgotten travel discounts just for seniors that you should be taking advantage of.
MIT Neuroscientist-Recommended…
If You Have Two Ears and� 12� Minutes,
Your� Life Can� Transform..It’s time for you to experience the life-changing benefits that so many of our customers are now experiencing.
You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on supplements.
There’s no exercises, meditating or repeating mantras.
You just kick back with a pair of headphones. It feels incredible. And it starts working the very first time you listen from the comfort of your own� home.
That’s why I urge you to take a stand today and say that you are no longer willing to accept a life that’s anything less than delightful. Click the button below to claim your copy of the Memory Wave.
All it takes is 12 minutes a day to see the impact on so many areas of your life.
There’s only one favor I ask and that is this. When you see the results this gives you, let us know. Send us an email. I’m excited to hear from you!
Now it’s up to you. You can risk carrying on as you’ve been, or you can try the Memory� Wave risk-free right now. You have absolutely nothing to lose, and a whole incredible way of life to gain.
If I’m wrong, all you’ve lost is 12 minutes.
If I’m right, a bright new chapter of your life will open up for you.
I guarantee you'll be satisfied. If not, you don't pay a single penny.
It wouldn't feel right keeping your money unless you get each and every benefit you deserve and truly achieve the success you deserve. It's not just a policy, but my personal guarantee. It's that simple.
Just click the button below and the Memory� Wave
will be emailed to you immediately.
MIT Neuroscientist-Recommended…
Claim Your Memory� Wave
(Money Back 90-Day Guaranteed)
Frequently Asked Questions About
The Memory� WaveThere’s 3 big problems with brain supplements:
First is the blood-brain barrier. This is a locked door that stops nearly 99% of all treatments from ever reaching the brain. So no matter how many supplements you choke down, only a tiny percentage ever reach the brain.
Second, the treatments that do reach the brain are mostly untested. Some can be hazardous.
And third, these supplements are pricey, ranging anywhere from $50 - $250 a month. And you have to keep paying month after month, unsure if you’re even getting the promised benefits.
But what about brain training? Surprisingly, the research shows these things do little to slow mental decline. The biggest Sudoku study ever found that Sudoku had no noticeable effect on slowing cognitive decline. It turns out, the only benefit you get from Sudoku is that you get better at Sudoku.
Researchers have also found meditation is insignificant for helping improve memory� too.
In fact, research shows the best “exercise” for memory is learning a new language, because the cognitive effect of it physically changes the structure of your brain. I just got a letter from Christine who is now learning French after using the Memory Wave. Imagine a friend’s face when you sit down at a cafe… and order in French!
Customers love the Memory Wave because it only takes 12 minutes per day. Everyone can find 12� minutes a day to pop on a pair of headphones and relax for 12 minutes listening to the special soundwave, as it synchronizes with your brain waves and activates your Gamma..
And the benefits go way beyond what you’d expect from pills or exercises because we are targeting Gamma. Over time, it’s not uncommon to feel like you have a better memory AND more brain power for life, learning and having fun. The Memory Wave begins working the very first time you listen, I can’t wait for you to hear what it sounds like and get started!
Great question. Listening to the Memory Wave is simple, easy and you can do it at-home as soon as today: Just download the Digital Audio Track to your phone or computer.
All the technology is already programmed onto the Track for you, and will begin activating the process that clears away the “brain waste” thanks to Gamma.
Just close your eyes and listen. After 12� minutes, the audio track will finish and you’ll be done. That’s it.
No pills. No exercises. No writing anything down.
And what if you miss a day? It’s okay, and not the end of the world if you do. Just aim to listen everyday for those 12 minutes. The benefits increase every time you listen. And the result is an activated Memory Wave and all the remarkable benefits that come with it.
Everybody is different.
Overall, many of our customers start to notice a difference, as their thinking and recall feel sharper within the first 1 to 2 weeks. Some people even say their brain feels years younger after their first few weeks.
Other changes, like learning faster and an increased processing speed, may happen over time in the coming weeks and months.
Remember, your brain is the command center that governs everything in your body, so there’s no limit to the benefits you may experience as you begin to activate more Gamma.
You might notice things you learned in school suddenly comes back to you. Or you feel a distinct energy lift that stays with you all day as the brain fog clears away.
As you listen more each day, things clear up and new abilities begin to unlock. You focus easier. You remember more. The right words are now there for you as you need them in conversation.
And even though many of these improvements will happen in the first month, the benefits will continue as you keep listening for those 12� minutes a� day.
After a few months, you might notice you feel like an entirely new person.
Remember, the best way to see and truly find out what benefits are in store for you is just to click the button below and check out. You're always protected by our industry leading 90 day 100% satisfaction guarantee.
I made a pledge when I started my career that I would never recommend a product I wouldn't personally recommend to a loved one, which is why me, my wife and my dad all use the Memory Wave. And seeing the joy in my dad’s eyes as his mental sharpness and his energy have come roaring back has been priceless.
The Memory Wave has been used by thousands of Americans with zero reported side effects. It’s not a drug or pill. It’s a special soundwave, based on research from MIT and the University of Toronto, that helps clear away the brain-rotting toxins by activating Gamma and healthy Brain Clearance. Gamma has thousands of studies behind it. In fact, Gamma is currently being studied as a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s patients AND as a sort of “shortcut" for increasing IQ. So not only is the Memory Wave incredibly safe but it has the potential to truly rejuvenate your brain and intelligence at the neural level.
No, you do not.
You may have seen videos or articles telling you certain foods “kill” your memory. Or that you should eat certain superfoods for memory. All these things are fine, and they may help a little. For example, microwave popcorn contains diacetyl which has been shown to increase amyloid plaque. Diacetyl is in chips and crackers too. So let’s say you never eat popcorn, chips or crackers again. What about all of the "brain waste" that’s already “clogged up” in the brain? You see, none of those solutions are addressing the root cause, which is why you see so much conflicting information, much of which ends up harming your health and brain when all you’re trying to do is take care of yourself!
The internet has become a maze and I’m sorry that you even have to deal with all of it. You’re just trying to do the best thing for your brain, your health and your family, and I applaud you for that.
Sure you can! But only do them because you enjoy them. Not because you expect them to activate your Gamma to any meaningful degree.
Ram Dass, the famous meditation guru, suffered a stroke at� 66 that left him paralyzed. And this is someone who meditated over an hour a day for� decades.
These things can help a little but there are so many other factors contributing to a “clogged brain”.
Studies show that people with poor sleep raise their risk of cognitive issues by an average of 10 years! They also show that Gamma improves sleep quality, including time to fall asleep and enjoying sleep through the night without constantly waking up.
The key is getting healthy Brain Clearance by activating that Gamma Wave sitting inside of you right now.
And when you get your copy of the Memory Wave by checking out today, you’ll love how simple it is. All the technology is already programmed onto the Track, and will begin activating your Gamma by synchronizing the sound wave with the brain wave , so there’s nothing you have to “do”. Just close your eyes and listen. After 12 minutes, the audio track will finish and you’ll be done. That’s it.
The Memory Wave is emailed to you immediately, as soon as you complete your order.
Because it’s a Digital Audio Track, you don’t have to wait for a physical package to be mailed to your home which also means you don’t have to pay any shipping.
You’re going to begin activating your Memory Wave today, just as soon as you can click the button below and enter your information on the secure checkout page.
Of course! Your order is fully guaranteed.
When you place your order from this website, you’re backed by our 90-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. It’s a 100% Ironclad Money Back Guarantee based on your complete satisfaction with your experience.
That means you don't even need to make a decision right now. Just say maybe, and you'll have a full 90� days to test it out for yourself.
As a scientist, putting my credibility on the line, it's important to me you feel complete confidence in our product and saying yes to giving this a shot. It doesn't matter how many times you’ve used it, you'll get all your money back if you don't get these results.
I can't feel good keeping your money. I work with the friendliest customer support team who are easy to get ahold of and are on standby to answer any questions you have.
All you need to do to claim this incredible discount and take advantage of this 100% risk-free offer is to click the button below and check out to begin activating your Memory� Wave.
Remember: You’re only a click away from activating your Memory Wave now. I’ve done everything possible to make this product affordable and attainable to anyone who wants it.
For just $39, you can go out and have dinner one time. But it’s not going to really transform your life. You’re leaving that restaurant the same person you were when you walked in, with the same worries and frustrations you had when you stepped inside.
$39 is less than the cost of filling your gas tank these days, and when you think about how much you use your brain for everything, at only $39 this is an incredible value.
And if you’re still reading to this point, still relating to what I’m talking about in your own life, then this could be the single biggest change you make in your life in years.
Claim your copy of the Memory Wave now.
Go ahead, click the button below and complete your checkout to take advantage of today’s discount. We’ll email it to you immediately. You're always protected by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. So there's really nothing to lose.
And let me be the first to welcome you to the Memory Wave family, and congratulate you on your wise decision to invest in your brighter, safer, healthier future. Thank you very much for watching and God bless.
MIT Neuroscientist-Recommended…
Claim Your Memory� Wave
(Money Back 90-Day Guaranteed)
Scientific References: